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Il circule dans les médias et sur les réseaux sociaux des informations selon lesquelles un médecin ou un agent de santé à la polyclinique Agoé Démakpoè a été interpellé alors qu’il venait de remettre une carte de vaccination à une dame contre une somme de 15 000 F CFA sans lui avoir administrée le vaccin contre la Covid-19 le 25 septembre 2021. Le Bureau Exécutif National (BEN) du Syndicat National des Praticiens Hospitaliers du Togo (SYN PHOT), après investigations a a confirmé la triste réalité. « Effective ment cet acte déplorable a été commis par un étudiant de l’École Nationale…

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Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations. Your sense of agency helps you to be psychologically stable, yet flexible in the face of conflict or change. When one party delegates some authority to another party whereby the latter performs his actions in a more or less independent fashion, on behalf of the first party, the relationship between them is called an agency. Agency can be express or implied. Chapter X of…

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Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations. Your sense of agency helps you to be psychologically stable, yet flexible in the face of conflict or change. When one party delegates some authority to another party whereby the latter performs his actions in a more or less independent fashion, on behalf of the first party, the relationship between them is called an agency. Agency can be express or implied. Chapter X of…

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Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations. Your sense of agency helps you to be psychologically stable, yet flexible in the face of conflict or change. When one party delegates some authority to another party whereby the latter performs his actions in a more or less independent fashion, on behalf of the first party, the relationship between them is called an agency. Agency can be express or implied. Chapter X of…

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Le ministre togolais de la Sécurité et de la Protection civile, Yark Damehame a ouvert la 5ème réunion des directeurs généraux et directeurs de la protection civile de ses pays africains membres, tenue par l’Organisation internationale de la protection civile (OIPC) du 28 au 30 septembre à Lomé. Axé autour de « La stratégie de l’OIPC pour l’Afrique et le projet d’établissement des plateformes sous régionales en Afrique en général, et le cas particulier de l’Afrique de l’ouest », l’objectif est d’assurer une meilleure coordination des actions à l’échelle régionale et un partage d’expériences en matière de protection civile entre…

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Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations. Your sense of agency helps you to be psychologically stable, yet flexible in the face of conflict or change. When one party delegates some authority to another party whereby the latter performs his actions in a more or less independent fashion, on behalf of the first party, the relationship between them is called an agency. Agency can be express or implied. Chapter X of…

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